This question is motivated by the superficial observation that Birkhoff's representation theorem and the cryptomorphism between matroids and geometric lattices are sort of similar. The former says that for a finite distributive lattice $L$ with set of join-irreducible elements $P$ the subsets $\{p\in P|p\le a\}\subset P, a\in L$ form the set of order ideals of a partial order on $P$ (which uniquely defines the partial order). The latter says that if $L$ is, instead, a geometric lattice, then the same family of subsets is the set of flats for a matroid structure on $P$ (for a geometric lattice join-irreducible elements are precisely its atoms). The former provides a bijection between finite distributive lattices and finite posets, the latter provides a bijection between geometric lattices and finite simple matroids. Both bijections have functorial interpretations.
Broadly speaking, my question is: are there other interesting correspondences of this form and do these two phenomena have some interesting common generalization? More specifically, here is an example of what such a result may look like. We may consider an arbitrary (finite?) lattice $L$ with set of join-irreducible elements $P$ and define a family of subsets of $P$ in the same way. Does this family of subsets define some interesting algebraic structure on $P$? Perhaps, for some specific classes of lattices, maybe classes that include both geometric and distributive $L$? (Apparently, in full generality we can obtain any family which is closed under intersection, has least common supersets and for any $p,q\in P$ contains some $A$ such that $p\in A\not\ni q$. But I'm not sure where to go from here.)