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I use $M$ instead of $M_i$ and $d$ isntead of $d_i$.

For a finite dimensional algebra $A$ over a field $K$ we have in general $D Ext_A^i(Y,DZ)=Tor_i^{A}(Y,Z)$ using the duality $D=Hom_K(-,K)$. Thus $Tor_d^{A}(M,A/radA)=D Ext_A^d(A/rad A, D(M))$ is non-zero since $D(M)$ has injective dimension at least $d$ ($D$ is a duality so this is equivalent to $M$ having projective dimension at least $d$).

Here I used that in general for a simple module $S$ and a module $N$ with minimal injective coresolution $0 \rightarrow N \rightarrow I^0 \rightarrow I^1 \rightarrow \cdots $ we have $Ext_A^n(S,N)$ being non-zero if and only if the injective envelope $I(S)$ of $S$ is a direct summand of $I^n$. Note that $A/rad A$ is simply the direct sum of all simple $A$-modules.

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