Great Soviet mathematician N.I. Akhiezer mentions in his survey article "Чебышевское направление в теории функций" ("Function Theory According to Chebyshev") that the notation $$T_n(x)=\frac{1}{2^{n-1}} \cos{(n\arccos x)}$$ was first introduced by S. Bernstein.
I think that the first published paper on the Chebyshev polynomials by Bernstein was "О наилучшем приближении непрерывных функций посредством полиномов многочленов данной степени" which appeared in "Сообщения Харьковского математического общества", series 2, vol. 13 (1912), pp. 49-194. The paper is in Russian as you may guess.
In his paper, Bernstein refers to the Chebyshev polynomials as trigonometric polynomials which probably might explain the letter T in the notation.
English translation of Akhiezer's survey article is contained in Mathematics of the 19th Century edited by A.N. Kolmogorov.
Edit added. I don't know if there is an English translation of the original paper by Bernstein. This source refers to the paper as "The optimum approximation to continuous functions by polynomials of a given power", Reports of the Kharkov Mathematical Society, Second Series, 1912, 13, #2-3. The original paper can be also found in volume 1 of S.N. Bernstein Collected Works (С.Н. Бернштейн, Собрание сочинений (Том 1. Конструктивная теория функций [1905-1930]), Москва, 1952).