$\DeclareMathOperator{\Sq}{Sq}\newcommand{\Z}{\mathbb{Z}}$The short version is that every cohomology operation can be interpreted as a Bockstein operator for an "exact sequence" (read: fiber sequence) of grouplike $E_\infty$ spaces.
Any cohomology operation $\delta:H^*(-;A)\Rightarrow H^{*+k}(-;B)$ such as $\Sq^i$ gives a morphism of Eilenberg-MacLane spectra $f_\delta:HA\to \Sigma^k HB$. You can take the fiber of $f_\delta$ to obtain a spectrum $F$ which defines a generalized cohomology theory $E_F^*:X\mapsto \pi_{-*} F^X$, and there is a resulting long exact sequence $$ \dots\to E_F^i(X)\to H^i(X;A)\xrightarrow{\delta}H^{i+k}(X;B)\to E_F^{i+1}(X)\to\dots $$ If $\delta = \Sq^1$, the fiber is again an Eilenberg-MacLane spectrum (namely $F\simeq H\Z/4$). If the degree of $\delta$ is bigger than $1$, it will have two non-zero homotopy groups, namely $A$ in degree $0$ and $B$ in degree $k-1$.
The connection to the crossed modules you mention is that applying the functor $\Omega^{\infty-1}$ to the fiber of $\Sq^2$ gives rise to a $2$-group, i.e. a homotopy type $X$ whose homotopy groups vanish outside degrees $1$ and $2$. As you mention, these are classified by the two groups $A = \pi_1(X),B = \pi_2(X)$, the action of the former on the latter, and a $k$-invariant in $H^3(A;B)$, which together can be packaged into the datum of a crossed module. However, these deloop once if and only if the action is trivial and the $k$-invariant vanishes. It is still possible to find reasonably easy algebraic models for spaces whose homotopy groups vanish outside degrees $k$ and $k+1$ (given by braided ($k=2$) and symmetric ($k\ge 3$) monoidal Picard (every object has a tensor inverse) groupoids), although I do not know a definition of $\Sq^2$ in this language.