If you don't already know, [pi][1] [day][2] happens on March 14 (3-14) every year. Festivities include reciting digits of pi and eating pies. I understand that it's all in good fun, but I've always felt that pi day is bad PR for mathematics. To non-mathematicians, it gives the impression that mathematics is about voodoo numerology, memorizing (or computing) digits of pi, and bad puns. The bad puns part is pretty accurate, but I don't care for the others. So I propose we come up with some alternatives to pi day that send a better message about what mathematicians do. If you've got an idea, post it here. If possible, include the following information about your proposed holiday: - when is it celebrated? - what are the festivities? - what kind of food would be associated with this day? Please post only **one proposed holiday per post**. If you have more than one, please post multiple answers. [1]: http://www.qwantz.com/index.php?comic=955 [2]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pi_Day