Alternatively, we can prove this along the lines of the reflection method used for the standard Catalan numbers. ([Read about][1] this first if you have never seen it.) There are $\binom{2n}{n}$ paths from the lower hand corner (0,0) to the upper right hand corner (n,n) of the square. [![enter image description here][2]][2] For the paths that move above the diagonal, we reflect after the first point above the diagonal (a), over the line through (a) and (n,n), to find a bijection between paths that move above the diagonal and paths from (0,0) to (n-1,n+1). [![enter image description here][3]][3][![enter image description here][4]][4] This gives us the usual Catalan numbers: $$C_n=\binom{2n}{n}-\binom{2n}{n-1}.$$ We can count paths that cross the line through (k,0) and $(n,k)$ in the same manner. We have $$\binom{2n}{n-k-1}$$ such paths. [![enter image description here][5]][5][![enter image description here][6]][6] This will help us find the paths of height at most $k$, but we can't simply subtract this number from the Catalan numbers, because we must take into account paths that cross both lines. This can happen in 3 ways (when $\frac{n-1}{2} \leq k \leq n$). [Will Sawin's][7] comment was useful here, as he noted that we cannot return to 0 after reaching height $k$. - A path can cross the diagonal and then cross the $k$-line. Using a double-reflection bijection we see that there are $$\binom{2n}{n-k-2}$$ such paths. [![enter image description here][8]][8][![enter image description here][9]][9] - A path can cross the $k$-line and then the diagonal. Using a double-reflection bijection we see that there are $$\binom{2n}{n-k-2}$$ such paths. [![enter image description here][10]][10][![enter image description here][11]][11] - The above two sets of paths intersect at the third option: our path crosses the diagonal, then the $k$-line, and then the diagonal again. We do a triple-reflection bijection to see that there are $$\binom{2n}{n-k-3}$$ such paths. [![enter image description here][12]][12][![enter image description here][13]][13] Putting all of this together, we find the number of Dijck paths of height at most $k$, $\frac{n-1}{2} \leq k \leq n$, as $$S(n,k)=\binom{2n}{n}-\binom{2n}{n{-}1}-\binom{2n}{n{-}k{-}1}+2\binom{2n}{n{-}k{-}2}-\binom{2n}{n{-}k{-}3}.$$ Therefore, the number of paths of height exactly $k$, when $\frac{n+1}{2} \leq k \leq n$, is $$T(n,k)=S(n,k)-S(n,k{-}1)=\binom{2n}{n{-}k}-3\binom{2n}{n{-}k{-}1}+3\binom{2n}{n{-}k{-}2}-\binom{2n}{n{-}k{-}3}.$$ (I used Wolfram to verify that this is indeed the $T(n,k)$ that you mention.) [1]: [2]: [3]: [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: [8]: [9]: [10]: [11]: [12]: [13]: