I am reading an article "Well-poised hypergeometric service for diophantine problems of zeta values" by W. Zudilin. 
Consider the quantities [defined here](https://eudml.org/doc/249095) in pg. $617$
$$\tilde{F_n}:= \frac{1}{2}\sum_{t=1}^{\infty} \tilde{R_n}(t)\tag{1}$$  
where $$\tilde{R_n}(t):=\frac{\mathrm{d^2}}{\mathrm{dt^2}} \left( (2t+n) \left(\frac{(t-1)...(t-n).(t+n+1)...(t+2n)}{(t(t+1)...(t+n))^2}\right)^3\right)$$
Then we have
$$\tilde{F_n}=\tilde{u_n}\zeta(7)+\tilde{w_n}\zeta(5)-\tilde{v_n}$$ where $\tilde{u_n}, \tilde{w_n}, \tilde{v_n}$ are positive rationals satisfying a fourth order difference equation with characteristic polynomial: 
$$\lambda^4+9264 \lambda^3-12116166 \lambda^2-752300 \lambda-19683$$
>**Question:** I need a tight upper bound or an asymptotic for $\tilde{F_n}$ as $n\to\infty$. 

I asked this as bountied [question on MSE]( https://math.stackexchange.com/questions/4974967/linear-forms-in-1-zeta5-and-zeta7  ) a week ago but unfortunately received no answer. 
Any help would be highly appreciated. Thank you!