**The question** Consider a topological space $X$ and a family of sheaves (of abelian groups, say)  $\; \mathcal F_i \;(i\in I)$ on $X$. Is it true that 
$$H^*(X,\prod \limits_{i \in I} \mathcal F_i)=\prod \limits_{i \in I} H^*(X,\mathcal F_i)  \;?$$
According to Godement's and to Bredon's monographs this is correct if the family of sheaves is locally finite (In particular if $I$ is  finite). [Bredon also mentions in an exercise that equality holds for spaces in which every point has a smallest open neighbourhood.]

What about the general case?

**A variant** Same question for $\check{C}$ech cohomology: is it true that
$$\check{H}^*(X,\prod \limits_{i \in I} \mathcal F_i)=\prod \limits_{i \in I} \check{H}^*(X,\mathcal F_i)  \;?$$
(Of course, $\check{C}$ech cohomology often coincides with derived functor cohomology but still the question should be considered independently)

**A prayer** Godement's book *Topologie algébrique et théorie des faisceaux* was published in 1960 and is still, with Bredon's, the most complete book on the subject.  I certainly appreciate the privilege of working in a field where a book released half a century ago is still relevant:  programmers and molecular biologists are not so lucky. Still I feel that a new treatise is due, in which naïve/foundational questions like the above would be addressed, and which would take the research and shifts in emphasis of half a century into account: one book on sheaf theory every 50 years does not seem an unreasonable frequency. So might I humbly suggest to one or several of the awesome specialists on MathOverflow  to write one? I am sure I'm not the only participant here whose eternal gratitude they would earn.