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The following is an emended excerpt from my answer to a related question1 about books about Lie groups for someone with algebraic geometry background. I might add that Procesi's book ideally fits your goals, since you are also interested in representation theory.

For someone with algebraic geometry background, I would heartily recommend Procesi's Lie groups: An approach through invariants and representations. It is masterfully written, with a lot of explicit results, and covers a lot more ground than Fulton and Harris. If you like "theory through exercises" approach then Vinberg and Onishchik, Lie groups and algebraic groups is very good (the Russian title included the word "seminar" that disappeared in translation).

If you aren't put off by a bit archaic notation and language, vol 2 of Chevalley's Lie groups is still good.

1That question is exactly one year old and, according to Anton's MO birthday post on meta, was the second "real" question asked on Mathoverflow.

Victor Protsak
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