There exist no closed-form expressions for arbitrary $d$ for the integral over the unitary group $\mathbb{U}(d)$ of a rational function of the matrix elements.
There are asymptotic results for large $d$, see for example J. Math. Phys. 37, 4904 (1996). The leading order term is
$$\int\limits_{\mathbb{U}(d)}\dfrac{1}{\sum_{k,l}u_{ik}\overline{u_{il}}c_{kl}}dU\rightarrow \frac{d}{\sum_{k}c_{kk}},$$
independent of the index $i$.
Alternatively, if $d$ is not large but the matric $C$ is close to the unit matrix, $c_{kl}=\delta_{kl}+\epsilon_{kl}$, one can expand $$ \begin{split} \int\limits_{\mathbb{U}(d)}\dfrac{1}{\sum_{k,l}u_{ik}\overline{u_{il}}c_{kl}}dU & =1-\int\limits_{\mathbb{U}(d)}\sum_{k,l}u_{ik}\overline{u_{il}}\epsilon_{kl}dU+{\cal O}(\epsilon^2)\\ & =1-\frac{1}{d}\sum_{k}\epsilon_{kk}+{\cal O}(\epsilon^2). \end{split}$$