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Is the union of a chain of $\kappa$-colorable subgraphs $\kappa$-colorable?

For any set $X$, let ${X \choose 2} = \big\{\{x,y\}:x\neq y\in X\big\}$. Let $G=(V,E)$ be a simple, undirected graph with infinite chromatic number. For $S\subseteq V$ we let $G[S]:= (S, E \cap {S \choose 2}).$

Let $\kappa$ be a cardinal with $0 < \kappa < \chi(G)$. Suppose ${\cal W}$ is a collection of subsets of $V$ such that for all $W, W'\in {\cal W}$ we have $W\subseteq W'$ or $W'\subseteq W$, and for every $W\in{\cal W}$ there is a $\kappa$-coloring of $G[W]$.

Is there a $\kappa$-coloring of $G[\bigcup {\cal W}]$?