> **Motivation** > > Consider the situation: You know that > every $x$ that has property $P$ must have property $Q$. $Q$ is a > rather strong condition but not strong > enough to fulfill $P$. What is *missing*? Consider the formulas of a first-order language, a distinguished set of axioms $S$, and the formulas with exactly one free variable, factored out by provable equivalence $P(x) \sim_S Q(x)$ iff $S \vdash P(x) \leftrightarrow Q(x)$ – for short: *properties*. There is a partial order on the set of properties by $[P(x)] \Rightarrow_S [Q(x)]$ iff $S\vdash P(x) \rightarrow Q(x)$ – for short: $P \Rightarrow Q$. Let $P \Rightarrow Q$, but $Q \not\Rightarrow P$, read: $Q$ *is a proper necessary condition of* $P$. > **Definition** > >A property $D(x)$ may be > called a *defect* of $Q(x)$ with > respect to $P(x)$ if > > - $D \not\Rightarrow P$ > - $Q \wedge D \Rightarrow P$ > > A defect $D(x)$ may be called *minimal* > if there is no other > defect $D'(x)$ with $D(x) \Rightarrow D'(x)$. *** > **Question #1:** Is the search for *(minimal) defects* > so manifest – in the working mathematician's life – that it is performed every day without needing a proper name? And is the notion ´– thus – of no (meta-)mathematical importance? *** > **Question #2:** ... or is there already a proper – > and more common – name? *** > **Question #3:** ... or is the definition above and its presuppositions flawed? *** **Addendum** The common divisor graph shares one strong property $Q$ with the [Rado (= random) graph][1]: it contains any finite graph as an induced subgraph (which I guess is a quite general necessary condition for randomness). But it's not isomorphic to the Rado graph, i.e. does not fulfill its defining property $P$. I am now interested in the "defect" of the common divisor graph: which property $D$ - as minimal as possible - prevents the common divisor graph from being truly random? [1]: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rado_graph