This question is from the paper, [The Analysis of Elliptic Families
II. Dirac Operators, Eta Invariants, and the Holonomy Theorem](, Commun. Math. Phys. 107, 103-163 (1986) --- *Proposition 2.8*. 

Suppose that  $Tr[D^uexp(-tD^2)]=\frac{C_{-n/2}}{t^{n/2}}+\cdots+
\frac{C_{-1/2}}{t^{1/2}}+O(t^{1/2})$ as $t\to0$. Here $D$ denotes the Dirac operator and $D^u$ denotes the  $u$-derivative of $D$. (I think one could ignore the exact definition here.)

And, we have that 
$$\Gamma(\frac{s+1}2)\eta(s)=-s\int^\infty_0t^{\frac{s-1}2}Tr[D^uexp(-tD^2)] dt.$$

**Q** By the asymptotic formula of the "heat kernel", how could we deduce that 

PS: What I do not understand:  

- 1. Why the term could vanish under the integral?

- 2. Since the integral is from zero to infinity, is it safe to use the asymptotic formula near $0$?