As Andreas Blass and others surmised, this is indeed an abstract.  It was for a 10-minute talk at the Annual Meeting in January, 1975.  Here is the entire "paper":

> **On Manifolds with nonnegative Ricci curvature II**
> Let $M$ be an $n$-dimensional
> Riemannian manifold with nonnegative
> Ricci curvature.  Then the exponential
> mapping $\exp_p$ for any $p\in M$ ,
> restricted to the domain bounded by
> the cut locus, is everywhere volume
> decreasing.From this fact one deduces
> the following THEOREM.  Let $M$ be a
> Riemannian, $n$-dimensional, complete
> manifold with nonnegative Ricci
> curvature.  Then, if $r$ denotes the
> injectivity radius and $D$ the
> geodesic diameter of $M$ , the volume
> $V$ of $M$ satisfies $V \ge c_n
> r^{n-1}D$, where $c_n$ is a positive
> constant depending on $n$ .  In
> particular, if $M$ is not compact (i.
> e. if $D=\infty$), the volume of $M$ ,
> under the same assumptions, is
> infinite. (Received November 6, 1974.)

A couple of notes.  I reproduced the capitalization and (non)hyphenation of the title as it appeared in the *Notices*.  I also tried to preserve some oddities in punctuation in the text, but otherwise "TeX-ified" it; the original is literally typed, with a handwritten $\in$ symbol.