I will show that $u\leq 15/4$ implies $23/8\leq u-v\leq 25/8$. More generally, I will show that
$$u\geq 3\qquad\text{and}\qquad |u-v-3|\leq\left(\frac{u}{3}-1\right)^{3/2}.\tag{$\ast$}$$
Let $\lambda_1\geq\dotsb\geq\lambda_6\geq 0$ be the eigenvalues of $G$. The rank of $G$ is at most $3$, because the underlying unit vectors span a space of dimension at most $3$. Hence $\lambda_4=\lambda_5=\lambda_6=0$, and
Therefore, using the [Newton-Girard][1] formulae,
The upshot is that
For prettiness we shift this polynomial by $2$:
This cubic polynomial has three real roots (counted with multiplicity), whence its discrimant is nonnegative:
$$(u-3)^3\geq 27(u-v-3)^2.$$
This is equivalent to $(\ast)$, and we are done.

  [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Newton%27s_identities