It turns out that joins of simplicial sets are fairly easy to define, but hard to manage.  In lots of cases, we'd like to compute what a join is, does it look like a horn?, a boundary?, etc? and identify it as such, so we can figure out when our morphisms from the join have certain nice properties like being anodyne, having lifting properties, and all of that wonderful stuff.

For example, consider the join, $\Lambda^n_j \star \Delta^m$.  The problem that I currently face is, I can't tell what this thing looks like from the definition.  

Consider an even simpler case, $\Delta^n \star \delta \Lambda^m$.  From the definition, we get a very nasty definition of this join, and I'm having trouble applying it and computing the join in terms of nicer simplicial sets.  

I ask this, because on p.62 of Higher Topos Theory by Lurie, for example, he states that for some $0 < j \leq n$ $$\Lambda^n_j \star \Delta^m \coprod_{\Lambda^n_j \star \delta \Lambda^m} \Delta^n \star \delta \Lambda^m$$
and says that we can identify this with the horn $\Lambda^{n+m+1}_j$.  Unraveling the definitions seems to make it harder to understand, and I just don't see how this result was achieved.  However, my aim here is to understand how the computation was actually carried out, since it is completely omitted.  

For convenience, here is the definition of the join of $S$ and $S'$ for each object $J \in \Delta$
$$(S\star S')(J)=\coprod_{J=I\cup I'}S(I) \times S'(I')$$
Where $\forall (i \in I \land i' \in I') i < i'$, which implies that $I$ and $I'$ are disjoint.  

As always, if you feel that the topic is inappropriate for MO, let me know and I'll delete it.