Is the following consistent?  $2^\omega > \omega_2$, and there is a normal precipitous ideal $I$ on $[\omega_2]^\omega$ such that every $X \subset [\omega_2]^\omega$ of size $< 2^\omega$ is in $I$?

(1) It is a theorem of Baumgartner-Taylor that every club subset of $[\lambda]^\omega$ has maximal size, $\lambda^\omega$.

(2) It is easy to get non-examples by adding reals with ccc forcing to a model with a precipitous ideal on $[\omega_2]^\omega$.

(3) One can show that the smallest normal ideal on $[\lambda]^{<\kappa}$, which makes every non-maximal-cardinality set have measure zero, is a proper ideal.

If this can be answered negatively for properties strengthening precipitousness, that would be interesting.