Let $Y$ be a compact manifold and let $\pi_1(Y) \to \mathbb{Z}^n= \langle t_1,\ldots,t_n\rangle$ be a homomorphism. Extend it to the group rings $\mathbb{Z}[\pi_1(Y)] \to \mathbb{Z}[ t_1,\ldots,t_n]$ and evaluate it in a certain $\omega \in (S^1)^n \subset \mathbb{C}^n$. We obtain a homomorphism 
$$ \mathbb{Z}[\pi_1(Y)] \to \mathbb{C}$$ which endows $\mathbb{C}$ of a $(\mathbb{C},\mathbb{Z}[\pi_1(Y)])$-bimodule structure. I will indicate this bimodule as $\mathbb{C}^\omega$.

I am trying to adapt the proof of Wall for the non-additivity theorem of signatures (from his article "Non Additivity of the Signature" of 1969) to the case of homology with twisted coefficients in the $(\mathbb{Z}[\pi_1(Y)],\mathbb{C})$-bimodule $\mathbb{C}$. 
Most of the proof works exactly the same thanks to the properties of twisted homology, but I am really having difficulties in adapting the final geometric argument to this setting. The setting of the theorem is:

Let $Y$ be an oriented connected compact $4k$-manifold and let $X_0$ be an oriented compact $4k-1$-manifold, properly embedded into $Y$ so that $\partial X_0= X_0 \cap \partial M$. Suppose that $X_0$ splits $Y$ into two manifolds $Y_-$ and $Y_+$. For $\varepsilon= \pm$, denote by $X_\varepsilon$ the closure of $\partial Y_\varepsilon \setminus X_0$, which is a compact $4k-1$-manifold. Let $Z$ denote the compact $4k-2$-manifold $$Z= \partial X_0 = \partial X_+ = \partial X_-. $$
The manifolds $Y_+$ and $Y_-$ inherit an orientation from $Y$. Orient $X_0$, $X_+$ and $X_-$ such that 
$$ \partial Y_+ = X_+ \cup (-X_0)$$ and $$ \partial Y_- = X_0 \cup (-X_-)$$
and orient $Z$ such that $$Z= \partial X_- = \partial X_+ = \partial X_0.  $$

I would like to prove
**Novikov-Wall non additivity theorem:**

In the situation above, 
$$\text{sign}_\omega(Y)= \text{sign}_\omega(Y_+) + \text{sign}_\omega(Y_-) + \text{Maslov}(L_-,L_0, L_+)  $$
where $L_\varepsilon= \ker (H_{2k-1}(Z; \mathbb{C}^\omega) \to H_{2k-1}(X_\varepsilon ; \mathbb{C}^\omega)) $ for $\varepsilon=-, +, 0$.

Here $\text{sign}_\omega$ means the signature of the twisted intersection form.

In the final part of the proof we need to calculate the signature (which should give us the Maslov index term) of the twisted intersection form restricted to a subspace $L$ of $H_{2k}(Y, \partial Y; \mathbb{C}^\omega)$ which is isomorphic to $$\frac{L_0 \cap ( L_-+L_+)}{(L_0 \cap L_+)+ (L_0\cap L_-)} .$$ 
The idea is to calculate the signature of the intersection form on $L$ by expressing it in terms of $Z$'s own skew-hermitian intersection pairing. 

Here is where I get stuck. I understand how to represent an element $b \in L_0 \cap ( L_-+L_+)$ with a $2k$-cycle $ \xi + \eta + \zeta$ in $Y$, where $\xi, \eta, \zeta$ belong respectively to $Z_{2k}(X_+,Z; \mathbb{C}^\omega), Z_{2k}(X_0,Z; \mathbb{C}^\omega), Z_{2k}(X_-,Z; \mathbb{C}^\omega)$  and I know that given $b, b' \in L_0 \cap ( L_-+L_+)$ I want to calculate the twisted intersection form of $\xi + \eta + \zeta $ and $\xi'+\eta'+ \zeta'$, however, I have no idea how to compute it.