Yes, this follows by the [de la Vallée-Poussin necessary and sufficient condition for the uniform integrability][1]. Indeed, suppose that 
	\gamma n^2\to a
(as $n\to\infty$) for some real $a\ge0$. 
Your integral is 
$$E\prod_{1\le i<j\le n}|X_i-X_j|^{2\gamma},$$
where the $X_i$'s are independent standard normal random variables. 
Introducing $N:=n(n-1)/2$, $X:=(X_1,\dots,X_n)$, and $\|X\|:=\sqrt{\sum_1^n X_i^2}$, and then using the arithmetic-geometric-mean inequality, we have 
$$\prod_{1\le i<j\le n}|X_i-X_j|^{2\gamma}
\le\Big(\frac1N\,\sum_{1\le i<j\le n}|X_i-X_j|^2\Big)^{N\gamma} \\ 
for $C:=a/2+1$ and all large enough $n$. 

Note also that $\|X\|^2$ has the gamma distribution with parameters $n/2$ and $2$ and hence $E\|X\|^{2C}=O(n^C)$. So, 
$$E\prod_{1\le i<j\le n}|X_i-X_j|^{2\gamma}=O(1)$$
and, similarly, 
$$E\Big[\Big(\prod_{1\le i<j\le n}|X_i-X_j|^{2\gamma}\Big)^2\Big]=O(1).$$
Also, obviously, $t^2/t\to\infty$ as $t\to\infty$. So, we have the uniform integrability. 

So, we only need to establish the convergence of 
	{2\gamma}\sum_{1\le i<j\le n}\ln|X_i-X_j|=2\gamma NU_n
in probability, where 
	U_n:=\frac1N\,\sum_{1\le i<j\le n}h(X_i,X_j) 
is a so-called U-statistic with kernel $h(X_i,X_j):=\ln|X_i-X_j|$, and still $N=\binom n2=n(n-1)/2$. It is easy to see (cf. e.g. [page 20][1]) that $Var\,U_n=O(1/n)=o(1)$, whereas 
So, $U_n\to m$ in probability, whence 
	2\gamma NU_n\to am
in probability and thus, by the uniform integrability,  
$$E\prod_{1\le i<j\le n}|X_i-X_j|^{2\gamma}\to e^{am}=\exp\{a\,E\ln|X_1-X_2|\}$$ 
as $n\to\infty$. 
