Consider the following:

>1) How many connected regions can $n$ hyperplanes form in $\mathbb R^d$? 
>2) What if the set of hyperplanes are homogeneous?

>3) Given a set of $n$ **pairs** of hyperplanes, such that each pair is parallel, what is the maximum number of regions that can be formed?

I saw [here](,[here]( and [here]( that the answer to (1) is
$$f(d,n)=\sum_{i=0}^d {n \choose i}$$

However I find it non-trivial to generalize the proof of $\mathbb R^2$ that was provided to $\mathbb R^d$ (without using "lower"/"upper" descriptions). Is there any "nice" way to show it recursively?

Q3 is what I'm really after.

Any ideas?