A universal property comes from an adjunction. From this point of view, associated graded has no universal property because it is not left or right adjoint. > Proof. If gr(-) were left (right) > adjoint, then it would respect > cokernels (kernels). Consider the > morphism of filtered vector spaces > (0⊆0⊆V)→(0⊆V⊆V) > (the three pieces are the 0-, 1-, and > 2-filtered parts) which is just the > identity map on V. It's kernel and > cokernel are trivial. But the induced > map > gr(0⊆0⊆V)→gr(0⊆V⊆V) > is the zero map from V (in degree 2) > to V (in degree 1), which has > non-trivial kernel and cokernel. So > the associated graded of the > (co)kernel is not the (co)kernel of > the associated graded map. Ben's solution is to write this poorly behaved functor as a composition of two nicer functors. The first functor is Rees:R-filmod→R[t]-grmod (from the category of filtered R-modules to the category of graded R[t]-modules). I think this functor is right adjoint to R[t]/(t-1)⊗-. The second is R[t]/(t)⊗-:R[t]-grmod→R-grmod, the functor that takes ⊕N<sub>i</sub> to ⊕N<sub>i</sub>/N<sub>i-1</sub>. R[t]/(t)⊗- is left adjoint to the functor that takes a graded R-module to the same graded module, regarded as an R[t]-module by letting t act by 0. **Upshot:** associated graded is not an adjoint functor, so it doesn't have a nice universal property by itself, but it is the composition of a right adjoint functor and a left adjoint functor, which do have universal properties.