The answer is trivially negative already for $n=3$: Start with the flow following along the "long" lines of a thickened (say with disc-shaped cut) Möbius strip. You can imagine this like a thick “rope” bent to a loop, making half a rotation on its way, and the flow follows the fibres of the rope, first (with a fixed speed).
Obviously, the fibre in the "center" of the rope has half of the period then the nearby fibres.
To extend the flow to $\mathbb R^3$, decrease the speed smoothly near the "boundary" of the rope to $0$, and then extend the field by letting it $0$ outside of the rope.
However, this extension works only, because the question explicitly admits stationary points. If one wants to exclude stationary points, there is a topological obstacle in the extension of this particular flow to $\mathbb R^3$. After an embedding into $\mathbb R^4$ this obstacle trivially vanishes, as the Möbius strip can be "unentangled" in $\mathbb R^4$, so in $\mathbb R^4$ there is obiously a non-singular counterexample.
I conjecture that for $n=3$ there is no non-singular counterexample at all, but I do not know how to prove this.