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Some of the books, that I can remember, from my PhD reading list under Peter Petersen at Ucla for doctorate in Riemannian Geometry which I never completed were: Characteristic Classes,by Stasheff, Morse Theory, Milnor, Dimension Theory, Hurewicz and Wallman, The Topology of Fibre Bundles, Steenrod.

We both agreed that Spivak's $5$ volume Comprehensive Introduction to Differential Geometry was quite useful. There was Galot, Hulin and La Fontaine's Riemannian Geometry.

I'll update this if I remember anything else.

It seems to me that Milnor's Topology from the Differentiable Viewpoint might have been also, and Spivak's Calculus on Manifolds probably wasn't, but I enjoyed it.

I also had a copy of his Riemannian Geometry in manuscript form, which is now available in the GTM series.
