Let $M$ be a co-admissible module over a Frechet Stein Algebra $A=\varprojlim A_{q_n}$ as in [this paper][1]. Let $N$ be a closed submodule of $M$. I have some difficulty in understanding lemma $3.6$ of the above paper. That is I want to show that $N$ is co-admissible. 

For that, consider $M=\varprojlim M_n$. The authors considers $N_n \subset M_n$, the $A_{q_n}$-submodule generated by the images of $N$ under the natural map $M \rightarrow M_n$. Then the authors say that $(N_n)_n$ is a coherent subsheaf of $(M_n)_n$, which is what I have some problem in understanding. 

I am having difficulty in showing that $A_{q_{n}} \otimes_{A_{q_{n+1}}} N_{n+1}=N_n$. (I know that it should come from the equality $A_{q_{n}} \otimes_{A_{q_{n+1}}} M_{n+1}=M_n$ which is true by definition.) But somehow I cannot deduce it. Thank you for your help.

  [1]: https://arxiv.org/pdf/math/0206056.pdf