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Ian Agol
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Yes, this is true. Topologically, one may find a locally finite collection of properly embedded arcs in a connected surface whose complement is homeomorphic to $R^2$. Then make each of these arcs geodesic in the hyperbolic metric. The complement will be the fundamental domain of the type you want.

Addendum: I'll add some comments on one way to obtain these properly embedded arcs in the infinite topology case. Ian Richards gave a classification of connected surfaces. In Theorem 3 of that paper, he explains how to construct all surfaces. A planar surface $\Sigma\cong S^2-X$ is obtained by removing a totally disconnected compact set $X\subset S^2$ from $S^2$. As explained in Prop. 5 of the paper, one may consider the totally disconnected set $X\subset S^2$ to be a subset of the Cantor set, and therefore a subset of the interval (including the endpoints) $X\subset I\subset S^2$. Then the properly embedded arcs $I\cap (S^2-X)$ give a decomposition of $\Sigma$ into $R^2$.

If the surface is non-planar, then one removes from $S^2-X$ a properly embedded countable collection of disks $D_1,D_2,\ldots$, and makes identifications of their boundaries. We may assume after an isotopy that these disks are all centered on $I$, and that the identifications either identifies antipodal points, or identifies two disks which are adjacent along a component of $I-X$ with a $\pi$ twist. The complement $U=S^2-(I\cup_i D_i)$ is again homemorphic to $R^2$. If we identify antipodal points of $D_j$, then this identifies two arcs in the boundary of $U$ to obtain an open Mobius strip. We add two arcs connecting antipodal points of $D_j$ to a point $x\in X$ at the end of the interval of $I-X$ which intersects $D_j$, which forms a single arc after identification of antipodal points of $D_j$, and cuts the Mobius strip back up into $R^2$. If adjacent disks $D_i, D_{i+1}$ are identified, then the complement $U$ gives a punctured torus. We add 4 arcs connecting these points to $x$ (again, $x\in X$ is at the end of the interval of $I-X$ containing $D_i$), cutting the surface into $R^2$ again. Continuing in this fashion inductively, we get a locally finite collection of arcs cutting the surface up into $R^2$.

Ian Agol
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