Let $\mu$ and $\nu$ be two probability measures on $\mathbb R^n$ with finite first moment. Denote by $d:=W_1(\mu,\nu)$, where $W_1(\cdot,\cdot)$ stands for the Wasserstein distance of order $1$. My question is the following: Let $X$ be a random variable defined on some probability space (rich enough) with law $\mu$, could we find **a measurable function $f:\mathbb R^n\times \mathbb R^n\to\mathbb R^n$ and a random variable $G$ independent of $X$** s.t. $$Y:=f(X,G)~\sim~\nu~~~~~~ \mbox{ and }~~~~~~ \mathbb E[|X-Y|]~\le ~2d~?$$ **Thought 1:** Let $d_0:=\rho(\mu,\nu)$, where $\rho(\cdot,\cdot)$ denotes the Prokhorov distance. Then we have a measurable function $f_0:\mathbb R^n\times \mathbb R^n\to\mathbb R^n$ and a random variable $G_0$ independent of $X$ s.t. $$Y_0:=f_0(X,G)~\sim~\nu~~~~~~ \mbox{ and }~~~~~~ \mathbb P[\{|X-Y_0|\ge2d_0\}]~\le ~2d_0.$$ The above construction is from the paper *On a representation of random variables* by Skorokhod, but I can't find this paper. **Thought 2:** Let $\pi(dx,dy)$ be the optimal transport plan, i.e. $\pi(A\times\mathbb R^n)=\mu(A)$ and $\pi(\mathbb R^n\times A)=\nu(A)$ for all measurable $A\subset\mathbb R^n$. Disintegration w.r.t. the first coordinate $x$, one has $\pi(dx,dy)=\mu(dx)\otimes \lambda_x(dx)$, where $(\lambda_x)_{x\in\mathbb R^n}$ denotes the r.c.p.d. (regular conditional probability distribution). But I've no idea how to recover the function $f$ using $\lambda_x$. Any answer, help or comment is highly appreciated. Thanks a lot!