In (mathematical) physics many equations of motion can be interpreted as Euler-Lagrange (EL) equaitons. The Maxwell equation for electromagnetic (EM) field (say in vacuum and in absence of charges) seems to me quite unusual in comparison to examples known in classical mechanics. This is a system of first order PDE on 6 components of EM field. To get the Lagrangian density, one takes the first pair of the Maxwell equaitons and deduces from it existence of electromagnetic potential. Substituting the potential into the second pair of Maxwell equations, one gets second order equations for the potential. They can be presented as EL-equations for the potential.
I am wondering if there is a way to present the Maxwell equations as an EL-equation in terms of electromagnetic field only rather than potential.
I think I can prove that this is impossible if one requires in addition that the Lagrangian density is quadratic in fields and their first derivatives and invariant under the Poincare group.