Let me have another go, because I really love this question. Essentially it's like a [SETI@home project][1] - without going into details, let's just consider the theoretical model that some signals arrive from a source that is sufficiently random and then we have to do some computation on it to get some data. (If you prefer groundhogs to E.T., the weather forecast also has this property.) Then whoever computes the data first, will get a coin.

The main issue I see with similar models is that they don't satisfy property 1 (verifiability). But I argue that this is not so important. Let's suppose that anyone can submit data without any proof. Later, this data can be challenged by others, if they think it's incorrect. There are several possibilities how to do this, it would be similar to some court system, where you have to pay coins to appeal etc. (Now I don't find the details of this worth discussing in detail.)

  [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SETI@home