We consider the setup of Seidel's book. Let $(M,\omega)$ be an exact symplectic manifold with $2c_1=0$. Seidel defines the Fukaya category $\text{Fuk}(M)$ of $M$.
A Lagrangian sphere $L\subset M$, equipped with a brane structure, defines an object of $\text{Fuk}(M)$. There are two twist functors associated to $L$. The first is the autoequivalence of the Fukaya category associated to the Dehn twist on $L$. The second is the spherical twist functor of the spherical object $L\in \text{Fuk}(M)$. It is shown by Seidel, see corollary III.17.17, that pointwise both twist functors are equivalent.
Question: Has it been shown in general that the equivalence between both twist functors is functorial? Have counterexamples been found?
What I know so far: In remark III.17.22, Seidel writes that ongoing work of Wehrheim-Woodward on Lagrangian correspondences is supposed to show that this equivalence is functorial. I don't know if this indeed follows from their papers, at least it is not explicitly mentioned. Using very different ideas, this functorial equivalence is, as far as I understand, established in some examples of complex dimension 1 by S. Opper in arXiv:1904.04859.