Context. I am trying to understand the argument in B.4 of Thomas Nikolaus, Peter Scholze, On topological cyclic homology, arXiv:1707.01799 (on p147).
The problem:
We begin with category $C$ with a free $\Bbb Z$-action which fixes the objects of $C$. I.e. Each $g \in \Bbb Z$ induces a functor $$g:C \rightarrow C $$ that fixes the objects. We can thus regard $C$ as an object in $Fun(B\Bbb Z, Cat)$.
We construct the quotient category $C':=C/B\Bbb Z$ by quotienting the morphism space by the $\Bbb Z$ action. This is equivalent to taking the colimit of $C$ as an object in $Fun(B\Bbb Z, Cat)$.
We wish to compute $|NC'|$. What we do know is that $|NC|\simeq *$.
The proof in the paper goes as follow.
$$|NC'| \simeq |NC|/B\Bbb Z \simeq B(B\Bbb Z) $$
I am rather confused by both the 1st. and 2nd. equivalence. Any comment/reference would be appreciated.
My confusions.
For the 1st. It seems to me the author claims we have a commuting diagram $$ Fun(B\Bbb Z,Cat) \rightarrow Cat $$ $$Fun(B\Bbb Z, Spc) \rightarrow Spc $$ where we take colimits horizontally and geometric realization $|N(-)|$ vertically.
For the 2nd. As far as I could find in the literature, we know the case when we have a constant diagram, of which the colimit is given by $BG$.