Suppose that F/Q is a number field.
Using automorphic forms, Borel computed the (R-) stable cohomology of SL_
F), and as a result, computed K_
F) tensor Q. Nowadays, using work of Suslin, Voevodksy, Rost, etc, one has an almost "complete" understanding of the actual integral groups K_
i(Z), say, modulo Vandiver's conjecture. This does not directly give the stable cohomology of SL_
n, because one set of groups is computing homotopy and the other is computing cohomology, but let us not worry about that distinction for the moment.
Borel also computed the (R-) stable cohomology of Sp_
My question, loosely speaking, is whether one can describe the stable integral cohomology of Sp_
2n(Z) in as detailed away as the algebraic K-groups of Z "describe" the integral cohomology of SL_
Edit: Andy has given references for the stable computation of H_
2 (and hence, since one knows the rational cohomology groups, of H^2 and H^3). Next Challenge: H_