It is well known that there is no general formula for the solution of the quintic. Of course, what this really means is that there is no general formula that only involves addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and the extraction of $n$-th roots. Indeed, if one is allowed to use the Bring radical, that is, solutions of the equation $x^5+x+a=0$, then it is indeed possible to solve any quintic. It would seem that if one introduced higher order Bring radicals, it would be possible to solve polynomials of higher degree. More precisely, define a Bring radical of order $n$ to be a continuous function $B_n(t)$ such that $B_n(t)$ is a solution to an $n$-th degree polynomial, one of whose coefficients is $t$. (Of course, I am being rather vague, most of these Bring radicals are only continuously definable on some proper subset of $\mathbb{C}$) It is trivial that any $n$-th degree polynomial may be solved by means of some $n$-th order Bring radical. However, it is not at all apparent that for some fixed $n$, there exist a finite collection $B_n^1,B_n^2,\cdots,B_n^k$ such that _any_ $n$-th degree polynomial may be solved using the $B_n^i$. So my question is: 

>Is it the case that for any $n$, there is a finite collection of Bring radicals that may be used to solve any $n$-th degree polynomial? 

Another question, to which the answer is most likely negative, is whether there exists a finite collection $B_{r_1}^1,B_{r_2}^2,\cdots$ of Bring radicals such that any polynomial of any degree is solvable using the $B_{r_i}^j$.

**Edit**: My definition of a higher-order Bring radical was rather narrow. I'd also be interested in any answer that involved Bring radicals $B_n(t)$ that were solutions to a polynomial of the form $x^n+p_{n-1}(t)x^{n-1}+\cdots+p_{1}(t)x+p_{0}(t)$. The general idea concerns whether or not one can solve _all_ $n$-th degree polynomials just be adjoining the roots of some finite family of them polynomials, whose coefficients depend smoothly on $t$.