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Inependent sets in Complement of Kneser Graphs

Intuition strongly suggests that there exist $\frac{\binom{n}{k}}{\lfloor\frac{n}{k}\rfloor}$ indpendent sets in the complement of a kneser graph each having $\lfloor\frac{n}{k}\rfloor$ vertices in it. Is this true. If true how do establish it.

A construction of such a set of cliques in the kneser graph $K(6,2)$ is as follows: $$(12)(34)(56)$$ $$(13)(25)(46)$$ $$(14)(26)(35)$$ $$(15)(24)(36)$$ $$(16)(23)(45)$$ Thus, in this example we have $5$ triangles in the kneser graph $K(6,2)$ which correspond to an equitable $5$ coloring of the complement graph $\overline{K}(6,2)$. Can such a construction be always done? I think this is related to the number of order $2$ elements in the symmetric group of order $n$. Thanks beforehand.

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