One could also mention the Special and General Relativity. The postulate is that the dynamic of a particle is a geodesic. More precisely it minimizes the quantity $$ A=\int mc\sqrt{ds^2} $$ where $$ ds^2 = (1+\frac{2V}{mc^2})c^2dt^2 - dx^2-dy^2-dz^2 $$ with $V$ is the potential. See for example the Schwartchild metric, where the Newton potential appears and we neglected the modifications on the space which are of smaller order for large $c$. Then $$ A= \int mc\sqrt{c^2+\frac{2V}{m}-\frac{dx^2}{dt^2}-\frac{dy^2}{dt^2}-\frac{dz^2}{dt^2}}dt $$ and for large $c$ $$A=\int mc^2dt -\int \Big(\frac{1}{2}m(\frac{dx^2}{dt^2}+\frac{dy^2}{dt^2}+\frac{dz^2}{dt^2})-V\Big)dt+\mathcal{O}(\frac{1}{c^2})$$
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