Suresh suggested DFS, MRA pointed out that it's not clear that works. Here's my attempt at a solution following that thread of comments. If the graph has $m$ edges, $n$ nodes, and $p$ paths from the source $s$ to the target $t$, then the algorithm below prints all paths in time $O((np+1)(m+n))$. (In particular, it takes $O(m+n)$ time to notice that there is no path.)

The idea is very simple: Do an exhaustive search, but bail early if you've gotten yourself into a corner.

Without bailing early, MRA's counter-example shows that exhaustive search spends $\Omega(n!)$ time even if $p=1$: The node $t$ has only one adjacent edge and its neighbor is node $s$, which is part of a complete (sub)graph $K_{n-1}$.

Push s on the path stack and call search(s):

    path // is a stack (initially empty)
    seen // is a set
    def stuck(x)
       if x == t
         return False
       for each neighbor y of x
         if y not in seen
           insert y in seen
           if !stuck(y)
             return False
       return True
    def search(x)
      if x == t
        print path
      seen = set(path)
      if stuck(x)
      for each neighbor y of x
        push y on the path
        pop y from the path

Here *search* does the exhaustive search and *stuck* could be implemented in DFS style (as here) or in BFS style.