Concerning homogeneous polynomials: Let $P(x,y)=\sum_{j=0}^n a_j x^j y^{n-j}$ be such a polynomial, of degree $n$ such that $C:=P^{-1}(\{c\})$ is a simple closed curve for all large enough $c>0$.
If $n$ is odd, then every line through the origin will have at most one point of intersection with $C$. So, then $C$ cannot be a simple closed curve for any real $c$ -- because every line through any point interior to a simple closed curve must intersect the curve in at least two points.
It remains to consider the case when $n$ is even. Then $C$ is symmetric about the origin, and hence so is the interior of $C$. Then the centroid of the interior is the origin, and it does not depend on the level $c$.
Consider now the case of an elliptic polynomial \begin{equation*} P(z)=P(x,y)=\sum_{j=0}^n a_j x^j y^{n-j}+\sum_{j=0}^{n-1}b_j x^j y^{n-1-j}+K|z|^{n-2} \end{equation*} of (necessarily even) degree $n$, where $z:=(x,y)$ and $K=O(1)$ (as $|z|\to\infty$). The ellipticity here is understood as the following condition: \begin{equation*} \min_{|z|=1}\sum_{j=0}^n a_j x^j y^{n-j}>0. \end{equation*}
For any $d_*\in(0,1)$ and any real $D>0$, let $\mathcal P_{n,d_*,D}$ denote the set of all polynomials $p(x)=\sum_{j=0}^n d_j x^j$ such that $d_n\ge d_*$ and $\sum_{j=0}^n|d_j|\le D$.
Then it is not hard to see that there is a real $c_*(n,d_*,D)>0$, depending only on $n,d_*,D$, such that
for any polynomial $p(x)=\sum_{j=0}^n d_j x^j$ in $\mathcal P_{n,d_*,D}$ and for all real $c\ge c_*(n,d_*,D)$ the equation $p(x)=c$ has exactly two roots $x_\pm:=x_\pm(c)$ such that $x_-<0<x_+$ and, moreover,
x_\pm=\pm\Big(\frac c{d_n}\Big)^{1/n}-(1+o(1))\frac{d_{n-1}}{nd_n} \tag{1}
uniformly over all polynomials $p(x)=\sum_{j=0}^n d_j x^j$ in $\mathcal P_{n,d_*,D}$ (as $c\to\infty$). This uniformity can be obtained by refining this reasoning.
Moreover, without loss of generality, for all $p\in\mathcal P_{n,d_*,D}$ and real $c\ge c_*(n,d_*,D)$ we have $p'(x_\pm)\ne0$.
Let us now turn back to the elliptic polynomial $P(x,y)$. For each real $t$ consider the polynomial
p_t(r):=P(r\cos t,r\sin t).
By the ellipticity of the polynomial $P(x,y)$, there exist $d_*\in(0,1)$ and a real $D>0$ such that $p_t\in\mathcal P_{n,d_*,D}$ for all real $t$. Take now any real $c\ge c_*(n,d_*,D)$. Then, by the paragraph right above, for each real $t$ the equation $p_t(r)=c$ has exactly two roots $r_\pm(t):=r_\pm(c;t)$ such that
$r_-(t)<0<r_+(t)$ and, moreover,
r_\pm(t)=\pm\Big(\frac c{a(t)}\Big)^{1/n}-(1+o(1))\frac{b(t)}{na(t)}
uniformly in real $t$,
a(t):=\sum_{j=0}^n a_j \cos^jt\, \sin^{n-j}t,\quad
b(t):=\sum_{j=0}^{n-1} b_j \cos^jt\, \sin^{n-1-j}t.
Moreover, $\frac{dp_t(r)}{dr}|_{r=r_\pm(t)}\ne0$. So, by the implicit function theorem, the functions $r_\pm$ are continuous (in fact, infinitely smooth).
Also, the functions $r_\pm$ are periodic with period $2\pi$, since for each real $t$ we have $p_{t+2\pi}=p_t$ and the values $r_\pm(t)$ of the the functions $r_\pm$ at $t$ are uniquely determined by the polynomial $p_t$. Furthermore, for all real $r$ and $t$ we have $p_{t+\pi}(r)=p_t(-r)$, which implies $r_+(t+\pi)=-r_-(t)$. So, letting
$$z_\pm(t):=r_\pm(t)(\cos t,\sin t),$$
we see that $z_\pm(t+2\pi)=z_\pm(t)$ and
$z_+(t)=z_-(t-\pi)$ for all real $t$. So,
the $c$-level curve of $P(x,y)$ is
C=P^{-1}(\{c\})&=\{z_+(t)\colon t\in\mathbb R\}\cup\{z_-(t)\colon t\in\mathbb R\} \\
&=\{z_+(t)\colon t\in[0,2\pi)\}\cup\{z_-(t)\colon t\in[0,2\pi)\} \\
&=\{z_+(t)\colon t\in[0,2\pi)\} \\
&=\{z_+(t)\colon t\in[0,\pi)\}\cup\{z_-(t-\pi)\colon t\in[\pi,2\pi)\} \\
&=\{z(t)\colon t\in[0,2\pi)\},
z(t):=R(t)(\cos t,\sin t), \quad
r_+(t)>0&\text{ for }t\in[0,\pi],\\
|r_-(t-\pi)|>0&\text{ for }t\in[\pi,2\pi].
So, the level curve $C$ is closed and simple, and its interior is
I(c):=\{r\,(\cos t,\sin t)\colon0\le r<R(t)\}.
The main idea for the elliptic polynomial case is to consider, for all real $c\ge c_*(n,d_*,D)$, the two opposite infinitesimal sectors of the interior $I(c)$ of the simple closed curve $C=P^{-1}(\{c\})$ between the rays $t$ and $t+dt$ and between the rays $t+\pi$ and $t+\pi+dt$, where $t$ is the polar angle in the interval $[0,\pi)$. The centroid of the union of these two sectors of $I(c)$ is at (signed) distance \begin{equation*} d(t)\sim \frac23\,\Big(r_+(t)\frac{|r_+(t)|^2}{|r_+(t)|^2+|r_-(t)|^2} +r_-(t)\frac{|r_-(t)|^2}{|r_+(t)|^2+|r_-(t)|^2}\Big) \tag{2} \end{equation*} from the origin. Formula (2) follows because (i) the centroid of an infinitesimal sector of radius $r>0$ between the rays $t$ and $t+dt$ is at distance $\frac23\,r$ from the origin, (ii) the area of this sector is $\frac12\,r^2\,dt$, and (iii) the centroid of the union of the two sectors is the weighted average of the centroids of the two sectors, with weights adding to $1$ and proportional to the areas of the sectors, and thus proportional to the squared radii of the sectors.
Simplifying (2), we get
Averaging now over all the pairs of opposite infinitesimal sectors, we see that the centroid converges to
&-\int_0^\pi dt\,\frac{2b(t)}{na(t)}(\cos t,\sin t)\frac12\,\Big(\frac c{a(t)}\Big)^{2/n}
\Big/\int_0^\pi dt\,\frac12\,\Big(\frac c{a(t)}\Big)^{2/n} \\
&=-\int_0^\pi dt\,\frac{2b(t)}{na(t)}(\cos t,\sin t)\Big(\frac1{a(t)}\Big)^{2/n}
\Big/\int_0^\pi dt\,\Big(\frac1{a(t)}\Big)^{2/n}. \tag{3}
I have checked this result numerically for $P(x,y)=x^4 + y^4 + 3 (x - y)^4 + y^3 + x y^2 + 10 x^2$, getting the centroid $\approx(-0.182846, -0.245149)$ for $c=10^4$ and $\approx(-0.189242,-0.25)$ for the limit (as $c\to\infty$) given by (3). From the above reasoning, one can see that the distance of the centroid from its limit is $O(1/c^{1/n})$; so, the agreement in this numerical example should be considered good, better than expected.