You can solve this problem via integer linear programming. Let binary decision variable $x_i$ indicate whether you can open door $i$, and let binary decision variable $y_j$ indicate whether you select key $j$. The problem is to maximize $\sum_{i=1}^N x_i$ subject to \begin{align} \sum_{j=1}^M y_j &= k \\ x_i &\le y_j &&\text{if door $i$ requires key $j$}\\ x_i &\in \{0,1\} &&\text{for $i\in\{1,\dots,N\}$}\\ y_j &\in \{0,1\} &&\text{for $j\in\{1,\dots,M\}$} \end{align} By request, here's the SAS code (with more descriptive variable names than x and y) that I used to solve the sample instance:
proc optmodel;
/* declare parameters and read data */
set <str> RECIPES;
read data lib.doors into RECIPES=[var1];
num numIngredients_r {r in RECIPES} = countw(r,',;');
set INGREDIENTS_r {r in RECIPES} = setof {k in 1..numIngredients_r[r]} scan(r,k,',;');
/* declare decision variables */
var UseIngredient {INGREDIENTS} binary;
var SelectRecipe {RECIPES} binary;
/* declare objective */
max NumSelectedRecipes = sum {r in RECIPES} SelectRecipe[r];
/* declare constraints */
con Cardinality:
sum {i in INGREDIENTS} UseIngredient[i] = 200;
con RecipeImpliesIngredient {r in RECIPES, i in INGREDIENTS_r[r]}:
SelectRecipe[r] <= UseIngredient[i];
/* call MILP solver */
/* output solution */
create data SolutionIngredients from [i]={i in INGREDIENTS: UseIngredient[i].sol > 0.5};
create data SolutionRecipes from [r]={r in RECIPES: SelectRecipe[r].sol > 0.5};
Note that the UNION set operator avoids reading a separate ingredients file, and so I did not need to exclude any data. The resulting optimal solution for 200 ingredients yields 1345 recipes.