The answer here is negative. In fact, any non-trivial quotient group of the symmetric group $\mathrm{Sym}(X)$ contains a copy of $\mathrm{Sym}(X)$. Indeed, by the [Baer-Schreier-Ulam Theorem][1], 
any normal subgroup $N\ne \mathrm{Sym}(X)$ is contained in the subgroup $\mathrm{Sym}_<(X)$ of permutations having support of cardinality $<\kappa:=|X|$. Let $q:\mathrm{Sym}(X)\to \mathrm{Sym}(X)/N$ be the quotient homomorphism.

Since $X$ is infinite, we can choose a family of pairwise distinct $\{x_{p}\}_{p\in \kappa\times\kappa}$ in $X$.

 For every permutation $\pi\in \mathrm{Sym}(\kappa)$ of $\kappa$ define the permutation $\bar\pi\in \mathrm{Sym}(X)$ letting $\bar\pi(x_{\alpha,\beta})=x_{(\pi(\alpha),\beta)}$ for $(\alpha,\beta)\in \kappa\times \kappa$ and $\bar\pi(x)=x$ for any $x\in X\setminus\{x_{p}:p\in \kappa^2\}$. It is clear that $e:\mathrm{Sym}(\kappa)\to \mathrm{Sym}(X)$, $e:\pi\mapsto\bar\pi$ is a group homomorphism whose image $e(\mathrm{Sym}(\kappa))$ in $\mathrm{Sym}(X)$ is disjoint with the subgroup $\mathrm{Sym}_{<}(X)\supset N$ and hence the composition $q\circ e:\mathrm{Sym}(\kappa)\to \mathrm{Sym}(X)/N$ is injective.
