Generally the strategy for showing that some syntactic construction is nontrivial is to find a semantic model of it. E.g. the strategy for showing that some relations don't force a group to be a trivial group is to find, say, some matrices satisfying the relations, and the strategy for showing that some axioms in some theory don't contradict each other is to find a model satisfying all the axioms. In this case the strategy for showing that some relations don't force a ring to be nontrivial is to find a module. An alternative definition of the Weyl algebra, at least in characteristic zero, is that it is algebra of differential operators on $k[x]$, where one generator acts as multiplication by $x$ and the other acts as $\frac{\partial}{\partial x}$. In characteristic zero, this action can be used to prove the stronger statement that the Weyl algebra has a basis given by the monomials $x^i \frac{\partial}{\partial x^j}$. In positive characteristic $k[x]$ actually fails to be a faithful module of the Weyl algebra because $\frac{\partial}{\partial x^p}$ acts by zero. A module which is faithful regardless of the characteristic can be constructed using the lattice of Young tableaux; see <a href="">this math.SE answer</a> for details. The basis above should remind you of a PBW basis, and in fact the Weyl algebra is almost the universal enveloping algebra of the Heisenberg Lie algebra spanned by $1, x, \frac{\partial}{\partial x}$. It is precisely the quotient of this universal enveloping algebra by the relation that $1$ acts by the identity, and either the PBW theorem or a slight modification of it can be used to prove the stronger statement above. (A less coordinate-dependent way of saying this is that the Weyl algebra has a natural filtration and you can show that its associated graded is $k[x, y]$.)