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Large Deviations for Self-Normalized Sums

I am trying to understand the main result (Theorem 1.1) in [this][1] paper by Shao, which gives a large deviation bound for the self-normalized sum of iid variables $$ \frac{\sum X_i}{\sqrt{n}\sqrt{\sum X_i^2}} $$ without any conditions on the moments of $X$. One of the key steps involves applying Cramer's theorem to a sum of the variables $$ bX_i -x\left(\frac{X_i^2+b^2}{2}\right) $$ for $b>0$, $x>\mathbb{E}X/\sqrt{\mathbb{E}X^2}$, and $\mathbb{E}X\geq 0$. And, to this end, the author claims without proof that $$ \mathbb{E}e^{t\left[bX_i -x\left((X_i^2+b^2)/2\right)\right]}<\infty $$ for all such $b$, $x$, and $t\geq 0$. Perhaps I am missing something obvious, but I don't see how to establish this. I tried using a Taylor expansion as well as the AM-GM inequality to get a bound $$ \mathbb{E}e^{t\left[bX_i -x\left((X_i^2+b^2)/2\right)\right]}\leq\min\left\lbrace \mathbb{E}e^{tb(1-x)X},c\mathbb{E}e^{t(1-x)X^2/2} \right\rbrace $$ but I couldn't see how to get the result from either of these methods. Any help with this would be greatly appreciated! [1]: