We consider the sequence $n\longmapsto {n\choose k}+1$
for $k\geq 1$ a fixed integer. For $k\geq 3$ odd,
this sequence seems to contain surprisingly few prime numbers
while there are many primes (perhaps roughly the expected 
amount) among the first terms of this sequence for even $k\geq 2$.

Is there an explanation for this observation (or is it an artefact)?

The following table gives the number of values $n\leq 10^5$ 
such ${n\choose k}+1$ is prime for $k=1,..,15$:
k&\sharp(\mathcal P\cap \{{n\choose k}+1\ \vert\ n=k,\dots,10^5\})\\
(with $\mathcal P=\{2,3,5,7,11,\ldots\}$ denoting the set of primes).

The small subsets $\mathcal S_k=\{n_1,\ldots,n_{i_k}\}_k$ of $\{1,\ldots,10^5\}$ corresponding to prime-numbers
${n\choose k}+1$ for $n\in \mathcal S_k$ and $k\geq 3$ odd are given by 
$$\{3,4,5\}_3,\ \{5,6,9,11,14\}_5,\ \{7,9,11,14,20,29,104\}_7,$$

For $k=3$, I checked that there are no additional primes (of the form ${n\choose 3}+1$) for $n$ up  to $10^6$.

**Added after accepting the answer of user334725:** The analogous phenomenon exists for ${n\choose k}-1$ and $k$ even. 
(This question is by the way an illustration of the fact that experimental maths cannot be done simultaneously with clear thinking: Playing with the computer shuts generally my brain down!)