Consider an infinite binary process $X=X_1,X_2,\ldots$ (with corresponding probability $P$). For some bits $1$ is less probable than $0$. I am interested in the following asymptotic upper density : $$\limsup_{n\to\infty}\frac{|\{i\leq n:X_i=1\wedge (P(X_i=1|X_1^{i-1})<1/2)\} |}{|\{i\leq n:(P(X_i=1|X_1^{i-1})<1/2)\}|}$$ In other words, we look at those bits of the realization where $1$ is less probable and ask: what is the upper density of the ratio of such bits being one to all such bits?
For a well-behaving process (for example, i.i.d. or ergodic) such upper density will be lesser than $1/2$. My intuition is that it should be true in general case as well, but I am struggling to prove it.
Perhaps there are some exotic counterexamples?