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Local Sobolev embedding on complete Riemannian manifold

Let $(M,g)$ be a complete Riemannian $m$-manifold, with bounded geometry and $m\geq2$. Suppose $Ric\geq(n-1)\kappa$. Let $B_p(r)$ be a geodesic open ball.

Q Can we find a constant $C=C(\kappa,r,m)$(independent on the point $p$), such that $$(\int_{B_p(r)}\phi^{2^*}/Vol(B_p(r)))^{\frac1{2^*}}\leq C (\int_{B_p(r)}|\nabla\phi|^2/Vol(B_p(r))),$$ for all compactly supported function $\phi$ on $B_p(R)$.

PS: I think it is proved in someone's paper or book, could anyone give me a reference?

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