Let $(X_n)$ be a tower of finite covering maps of compact smooth manifolds, with $f_{s,t} : X_t\to X_s$ the maps, and $\Lambda_n := f_{n,0}^{-1}\Lambda$, with $\Lambda$ the constant abelian sheaf on $X_0$ with value $\Lambda$, an abelian group. Clearly $\Lambda_n$ is the constant sheaf on $X_n$ with value $\Lambda$ too. There are, then, transition maps $f_{n+1,n}^{-1}\Lambda_n\to\Lambda_{n+1}$. A base for the topology on $X := \varprojlim_{n\ge 0}X_n$ is given by opens of the form $U:= \varprojlim_{m\in I}U_m$, $I\subset\mathbf{N}$, $U_m\subset X_m$ open, and the assignment: $$U\mapsto \varinjlim_{m\in I}\Lambda_m(U_m)$$ uniquely determines a sheaf $\mathcal{F}_{\Lambda}$ on $X$. One can give $X$ the structure of a solenoid in the sense of Smale (see [here](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solenoid_(mathematics)) and the book by Moore and Sochet). Say $\Lambda = \mathbf{C}$ the sheaf of locally constant smooth functions with value in the complex numbers. On $X$ one can talk about the sheaf $\mathcal{F}’$ of continuous complex valued functions that are smooth along the “leaves” and continuous along the transversals (these are copies of the Cantor set). > Are $\mathcal{F}_{\Lambda}$ and $\mathcal{F}’$ the same sheaf on $X$? Do they at least have the same cohomology? In case this question has a negative answer, then: > Is $\mathcal{F}_{\Lambda}$ the constant abelian sheaf on $X$ with value $\Lambda$? I expect the answer to this last question is “no”. **Related:** [this](https://mathoverflow.net/questions/317382/on-limits-of-manifolds) seems a related question, esp the answer by Ian Agol.