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Martin Sleziak
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Publishing a Simple Paper as an Undergraduate

First off I apologize if this question does not belong here, I would be happy to hear about any better locations to post this on.

I am a (first year) undergraduate mathematics student, and I recently discovered some interesting properties hidden in certain families of sequences. I ran these ideas past my math professors, and they said these are interesting ideas and the kind of thing I may want to consider publishing. I did pretty thorough research through my school's library and I am highly confident at this point that these ideas have not been written on before.

To give some context into the situation, I am attending a top 15 university, and my professors are all Harvard, Cambridge, Princeton, etc. educated, so I know they know what they are talking about. With that said, the ideas I discovered -- while interesting -- are really pretty trivial as they can be completely understood with background in Calculus III and some linear algebra, and all my proofs fit onto about 3 pages of LaTeX.

I would love to go ahead with trying to write up a paper on these ideas and get them published as I think that would be a great experience, however I do not want to run the risk of coming off as an over-confident "crank" type early on and be stained by that. Would you recommend I keep my cards close to my chess so to speak, or do you think I should put my ideas out there and see what happens? If I was to pursue publication, I would just submit to undergraduate journals, or maybe something else a little more specialized.

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