Regarding your second question, on other possible deformations of $sl(2)$:
There have been various studies on (multi-parametric) deformations of Lie algebras -as has already been mentioned in the comments to the OP- during the last decades:
An example of a $2$-parameter deformation $sl_{pq}(2)$ which leads to a quantum group is given by:
[H,E_{\pm}]=\pm E_{\pm}, \ \ \ [E_+,E_-]=\frac{q^{2H}-p^{-2H}}{q-p^{-1}}
where $E_-$ stands for $F$,up to a suitable rescaling and $p$, $q$ are complex parameters.
(setting $p=q$ and rescaling the generators produces the $q$-deformation described in the OP as a special case). You can find more details at arXiv:math/0506539, where this deformation is studied and it is proved that it admits a class of infinite dimensional representations with no analogue in the undeformed or in the $q$-deformed case.
Another -similar- example can be found in the article: A two-parameter deformation of the universal enveloping algebra of $sl(3,C)$, by J.F. Cornwell. A detailed discussion on the hopf structure of the deformed algebra and its implications on the usual hopf structure(s) of the undeformed algebra is also included.
In Introduction to quantum algebras, by M.R. Kibler, two parameter deformations such as $u_{pq}(2)$ and $u_{pq}(1,1)$ are studied: their hopf algebraic structures are investigated and their realizations (that is: homomorphisms or isomorphisms) with two parameter deformations of the Weyl algebras and the angular momentum algebras are used as a tool of investigating their representations.