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Harry Gindi
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Homotopy pushout squares given by tensoring

Let $C$ be a simplicially-enriched category with a model structure, not necessarily compatible with the simplicial enrichment.

Suppose that all objects of $C$ are cofibrant, that $C$ is tensored and cotensored over $SSet$, and that the class of weak equivalence of $C$ is closed under filtered colimits.

(*)Suppose further that for any cofibration $f:A\to B$ and any fibration $g:X\to Y$ in $C$, the induced morphisms:

$$Map(B,X)\to Map(B,Y)\times_{Map(A,Y)} Map(A,X)$$

is a Kan fibration.

Lastly, assume that $A\otimes \Delta^n\tilde{\to}A\otimes \Delta^0\cong A$ for any object $A$ in $C$.

Let $L\subseteq K$ be an inclusion of simplicial sets. Suppose $\sigma:\Delta^n\to K$ is a nondegenerate simplex of $K$ with all of its faces living in $L$. That is, we can factor the map $\partial\sigma:=\sigma|_{\partial\Delta^n}$ through $L$ (in fact, we will assume that the target of this map actually is $L$.

Then for any object $D$ in $C$, the pushout $$D\otimes \Delta^n\coprod_{D\otimes\partial\Delta^n} D\otimes L\cong D\otimes (\Delta^n\coprod_{\partial\Delta^n}L)$$ is a homotopy pushout. Since the model structure is left-proper, it's enough to show that one of the induced maps in the cocartesian square is a cofibration.

The proof I'm reading says that it follows from the line marked (*) above, but it's not clear to me how to apply that hypothesis.

If you'd like to look up the original source, it is Higher Topos Theory Proposition A.3.1.7 (in the appendix).

Harry Gindi
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