(3) and (4) are false in general, even if we weaken $>$ to $\geq$. Let $\zeta:=\cos(\pi/8)+i \sin(\pi/8)$ be a primitive $16$-th root of unity, and consider the unique primitive Dirichlet character $\chi$ modulo $17$ which sends $3$ to $\zeta^5$. Then $\chi(-1)=-1$, and
\begin{align*}Q(\chi)&=\sum_{k=1}^{16} k\chi(k)=\sum_{k=1}^{8} (2k-17)\chi(k)\\[6pt]
&\approx \ 8.84701161719 - 4.91203840222 i
So $Q(\chi)$ has positive real part, even though $\chi(-1)=-1$. This contradicts (3). Similarly, if we change $\zeta^5$ to $\zeta^3$ in the definition of $\chi$, we get a counterexample to (4).