Kirti Joshi's <a href="" title="arxiv">musings</a> mention "fractional motives". Do you know what are they good for and what the current state of constructions is for them? Edit: Further cases of "fractional motives" as discussed in the article above (but with other weights) are expected to arise in quantum cohomology, say the experts. I wonder how the idea of such new motives may fit into the "usual" connections between motives, l-adic representations, periods and values of L-functions? Edit: Conc. L-functions at non-integer values s, someone said that there is a quite old heuristical idea about it "as the dimension of an auxiliary affine space $A^s$ on which you multiply a given scheme over integers". Having either never read about that, or forgotten it: Do you know what it means and where to read more? Edit: Some links: Yuri Manin had <a href="" title="arxiv">wondered</a> if such things may exist (correct reference to <a href="" title="numdam">Anderson's article</a> on fractional "arithm. Hodge structures"), M. Marcolli <a href="" title="arxiv">wrote</a> about such things in the context of "dimensional regularization" (and it's connection with log motives and motivic sheaves), Deligne <a href="" title="pdf">extended</a> representation theory to complex dimensions. It would be interesting to see how such speculations fit to Kedlaya's <a href="" title="slides">"fantasy in the key of p"</a>...