**Context:** In this interesting [blog post](https://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2009/10/generalized_operads_in_classic.html "Mike Shulman - Generalized Operads in Classical Algebraic Topology"), Mike Shulman indicates an approach for defining generalized types of operads. The idea is to consider a monad $T: {\rm \bf CAT} \to {\rm \bf CAT}$ on the category of locally small categories equipped with a [distributive law](https://ncatlab.org/nlab/show/distributive+law) $TP \implies PT$ from the monad $T$ to the *small presheaves monad* $P$ with \begin{align} P(\mathcal{C}) = \{\text{small presheaves } F: \mathcal{C}^{\rm op} \to {\rm Set} \} \subseteq {\rm Set}^{\mathcal{C}^{\rm op}}. \end{align} (See also this [nLab article](https://ncatlab.org/toddtrimble/published/Towards+a+doctrine+of+operads "Todd Trimble - Towards a doctrine of operads") by Todd Trimble, or chapter 6 of the book [Coend calculus](https://arxiv.org/abs/1501.02503 "Fosco Loregian - Coend calculus") by Fosco Loregian.) The presheaf category $P(T(1)) = {\rm Set}^{T(1)^{\rm op}}$ then admits a canonical monoidal structure, often called the `substitution product', and $T$-operads are defined as monoid objects in this category. Well-known examples are symmetric operads, non-symmetric operads and cartesian operads (Lawvere theories), which correspond to the monads on ${\rm \bf CAT}$ that characterize symmetric monoidal categories, monoidal categories and cartesian categories respectively. Shulman then describes another generalized type of operads: semi-cocartesian operads. It uses the monad $T_{\rm sccs}$ which characterizes *semi-cocartesian* symmetric monoidal categories: symmetric monoidal categories whose monoidal unit is the initial object. He argues why any *reduced operad* $\mathcal{O}$ (i.e. $\mathcal{O}(0)$ is the final object) is naturally semi-cocartesian, and that seeing $\mathcal{O}$ as such gives a natural explanation for the basepoint identifications in the monad used by May in his work on operads. **Question:** What is the necessary distributive law $T_{\rm sccs} P \implies PT_{\rm sccs}$? Unfortunately, Shulman doesn't describe the distributive law that we need to make sense of semi-cocartesian operads, and I am not able to reproduce it. The problem I have with defining it is that ${\rm Set}$ is not semi-cocartesian. I guess that the approach should be adapted a little, for example by replacing presheaves by pointed presheaves with values in ${\rm Set}_*$, but then I am not sure how to recover the reduced operads of May as an example. Can someone help me out here?